Sunday, 22 April 2007

an msn conversation

Death is around the corner,if only but u realised says:
Death is around the corner,if only but u realised says:
wud u like to b honered in listening to one of my poems
hema says:
always , go ahead
Death is around the corner,if only but u realised says:
its wayyy better than your sisters(i say with modesty)

Death is around the corner,if only but u realised

Forgive me my sins today and tomorrow
Help build a better world away form sorrow
Help the orphan child all alone
Guide us to the path that you have shown
Help make the ummah whole again
Help take away the poverty and pain

Death is around the corner,if only but u realised

if u laugh, laugh silently

hema says:
again doesn't ryhme with pain
Death is around the corner,if only but u realised
it does if u say it like this...againe
Death is around the corner,if only but u realised says:
instd of agen
hema says:
oh.. but when does anyone around here say it like that
Death is around the corner,if only but u realised says:
wen they read my poem!
hema says:
oh.. but how will they know they have to read it like that
Death is around the corner,if only but u realised says:
u lil tramp,
quit bashing it
its a first attempt
hema says:
ok, im sorry but just one more thing,.. have you been listening to any nasheeds lately
Death is around the corner,if only but u realised
not really why?
because that sounds suspiciously like one

ok, fine your poem shall go on my blog
Death is around the corner,if only but u realised says:

(obviously i got her to agree eventually, and told her i would put up one of my effors tomorrow to laugh at..)


Min babys vej til verden... said...

ahh now i see what you meant about publishing our future conversations... dont you do that to me miss :o)
anyway our conversation quickly ended as you are a geek who has to go to bed early like the little ones.. lol- but im hopeing that you will find a way to help your student and that you now perhaps have found a bit more insight in her way of thinking and acting.
May Allah reward you for your careing person and sincerly good caracter. wa salaam.

hema said...

hey, don't call me a noerd(is that right?) i have to be wide awake for my nine o clock lessons!
and my half caste :) student has already benefited from your advice as i now at least understand her indentity crisis. i'll try some of the approaches you suggested and let you know how it goes..

Anonymous said...

I laughed when she called you a "lil tramp". Too funny!

I suppose one could say "again" as "agayn"... sounds a lil posh though. ;)

hema said...

"lil tramp" is her catchprase. she says it to everyone but doesn't mean it. at least i don't think she does! in fact, she wanted to remain annonymous, but some people have already figured out whoshe is just from that!

Min babys vej til verden... said...

yep NĂ˜RD... and thats you :o) im glad i could be of any help- and yes please let me know how it goes with your half caste.- lol.
By the way, thank you so much for the msn conversation yesterday, it really cheered me up. love you xxx